Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Stories that Connect Us

Since the beginning of time stories have connected us. The cave men and women drew pictures telling a story on cave walls. Sharing stories orally came next and it continues today. What prompted me to write about this topic was that I led a QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention training yesterday, and as each individual in the room shared stories you could almost see them connecting as they recognized similiarities, commenalities, and a belief in making a difference.

Sometimes in our world of technology where you can connect in so many ways: text, email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, instant messaging, and even when necessary the old-fashioned phone call it doesn't always seem necessary to meet with others face-to-face. The reality is that without a face-to-face meeting so many things can be lost in translation. What's interesting about leading a training is that each and every training is different, and this is because of the people in the room participating. It is amazing to watch people really listen, talk, and support each other.

I just took a webinar on Twitter yesterday, and I feel like I understand it a little better. It does have some power to affect change and potentially offer a vehicle to fundraise for an issue that you're passionate about, but I would contend it doesn't offer the same connection or magic of a room full of people. Each of our new technologies has a purpose and a time and a place. I used to be able to get away with paying $5 for 200 text messages, but now I had to upgrade to unlimited text messages, as my number of texts have steadily increased. It seems that most people would rather text, unlike me who's old-fashioned and prefers to speak on the phone. I am accepting this new change.

Even so sometimes a text or an email isn't always the most effective way to communicate. Sometimes you need to be in the same room with a group of people who create an energy by listening to each other's stories and thoughts. I appreciate everyone who shared stories last night. Face-to-face reminds us of our connection to each other. And that's something we need more of in our communities, nation, and world. It happened after 9/11, and it's time we find small ways to connect.

For more information about QPR Trainings go to contact me.

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