Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Finding a home

Well I'm in search of an apartment. In a city where there are more apartments to chose from it might be easier...but it's more of a challenge here in the Roaring Fork Valley. I thought I had found the apartment in Basalt, but alas it went to someone who had a three-day jump on me. I was bummed.

I'm going to see another apartment today. So cross your fingers. I enjoy seeing apartments so it's been cool to see what's out there, but I'm getting weary from the process. It's interesting to see what's available at what price. The truth is that you get what you pay for...without a doubt.

So if you know of a good place in the area, let me know. That way I can spend my evening hours enjoying the spring weather instead of apartment hunting! That being said I took last night off and went on a hike with my friend Jenny instead. It was great!

Are you getting outside?

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