Friday, June 3, 2011

The Pursuit of Mindfulness

For some reason after a long weekend four days of work just seems well endless. It's some sort of a mind trick. When you're back on Tuesday you just can't believe that you are back at your desk being asked to gasp, work. Sometimes life just isn't fair.

Then you get to Friday, and you're so excited for the weekend to begin. At least now I'm not as obsessed with getting to the weekend. Don't get me wrong I love my weekends, but now I'm trying to embrace each day and the moments from each one. That doesn't mean I don't grumble about Monday or need extra coffee, but I just realized that I needed to find ways to make Monday and Tuesday enjoyable, too.

Living in the present is a process. It's about mindfulness and about truly spending time with another person instead of focusing on that endless to-do-list. And let's be honest that to-do-list has a lot of unimportant stuff on it. Right now I'm working on vision board and goals for the upcoming year. No, I'm not really late on resolutions instead I'm just taking the time to refocus so that I spend my time on what matters instead of what comes up.

If you've never done a vision board, I highly recommend it. It's a visual representation of what you want in your life. You just take a poster board or a large piece of cardstock paper of some kind, and you use words, art, photos, magazine images, and whatever speaks to you to create your vision board. It's amazing what happens when you put it on paper. Taking the time to do this offers you clarity and understanding of what you value and what is important to you. Now that's time well-spent.

Enjoy the weekend and the week!

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