Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School

Today my nephews Luke and Adam started their first day of school in a new school. My nephew Adam was a bit nervous, and he asked, "Who will I sit by at lunch?" Such an insightful question from a seven-year-old. I told him to talk to someone who's nice in his class and ask if he could sit by him or her at lunch. (I hope that worked!)

The truth is that we all struggle sometimes with who to sit by. I did explain to Luke and Adam that each place I've lived has introduced me to some amazing people who have brought so much to my life. Even though moving is difficult it brings new experiences, new perspectives, and new friends.

These people in our lives are part of our history. It doesn't mean that you can easily stay in touch with everyone other than catching up on Facebook, but it does mean that once there's a connection, at some level you are always connected. Really we are all connected in this tangled web of humanity.

This weekend I found out that it was time to say goodbye to an old friend from high school. Seeing the outpouring of love for his sister and family it makes you realize that we all are in this together.

So when you meet someone new invite them to sit by you. They might be that new friend you are destined to meet. And they might need a friend more than you know.

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