Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Story of Your Life

Most of you know that I read a lot. Usually, I have three or more books going at the same time. Right now, I've got two. I'm trying to focus. Anyway, I just finished a book that was so good that I want to tell you all about it.

The book is called, "How I Learned to Live a Better Story: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years". This memoir offers insights on how you can change your story if the one you're living isn't the one you want to be living.

Stories connect us together. Since the beginning, stories weave the fabric of our lives, and they resonate with us on a deeper level than statistics, which tell us something, but they don't activate our emotions or remind us of our humanity.

This book will make you ponder whether the story you're living is the one that you want to live. It made me stop and reflect on where I'm at and where I'm headed. I'm fairly reflective as it is, but even so I get caught up in the busyness that is our modern day life. Heck, I just joined Hootsuite so I can manage all my social networking sites in one place. Just one problem I'm not sure how to use it.

That modern world is one topic that the author Donald Miller explores as well. The marketing machine and the quest for more hasn't actually made people happier. Maybe it offers a momentary happiness, but then it goes away. Getting back to basics to a simpler life is known to do more to foster contentment.

Last year was such a difficult year for me, and now I am reclaiming who I am and truly identifying what it is that makes me happy and brings me joy. It isn't more stuff. It's enjoying the experience of life and finding meaning. Read the book and let me know what you think!

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