Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back in the states

Everyone has been asking me to sum up my trip. In a word, wonderful. My time in Australia was truly rejuvenating and it made me so happy to get some beach and ocean time. Although, I do love the mountains. (This week loving the mountains is a bit of a debate, but that's another post. ) Even so water has a way of bringing you back. Looking at the waves crash to the shore and hearing the surf just makes you realize that life is happening as it should. There is something elemental about the ocean.

There is also something amazing about a holiday. You have the time to think and to realize that life is in the embracing of all the moments. It is so nice to not know what time it is, what day it is, and to not have every moment planned. I also enjoyed the way that Australians seem to value their personal time. In America, I think personal time is often frowned upon in pursuit of being "productive," but when you really think about it how productive are you when you're completely exhausted?

So my first takeaway is that I am to embrace this more balanced view. I want to feel like I do now, a month from now. So I got some shopping for Christmas done earlier, and the items are on backorder. I tried at least. I am working on working out in the morning, because I'm worth it. What is a lesson that you've learned on holiday that you made a part of your life? Please share.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Okay, first, I LOVE it that you go to Australia for a couple of weeks and now you say "holiday" instead of "vacation"! Awesome!

Anyway, I always seem to learn or discover something when I get a break from the usual routine. But, part of that is that it is different, a divergence from your usual life. For instance, I'm not sure if traveling full time, just to travel, would be all that great. (Although, I might be willing to put my theory to the test if the opportunity arose.)

I think part of the joy of travel is the novelty, and I also like the part where you come home to the familiar yet see it in a new light. And you are refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.

Are you going to keep writing about your thoughts and experiences from your trip on this blog? I think you should.