Thursday, April 21, 2011

What does gas cost in your area?

My friend James posted a picture of the gas price he paid ($4.199) at a pump in California yesterday and it prompted a lot of comments. It got me thinking about the cost of gasoline.

Yesterday I paid $3.79 for gas, and that was at one of the cheapest places in the Roaring Fork Valley. It could be worse as you see what it's costing in California. In the European Union the average gas price runs about $8.70, so we do have less to complain about than the Europeans.

But even so knowing that in 2007, oil and gas companies made $1,601,524 in millions. ExxonMobil alone made $404,552 in millions. Meanwhile the gas stations only made a few cents per gallon. And consumer spending is up, but guess why, it's due to increasing gas costs. Does this seem unfair to anyone else? There must be a more equitable way.

All I know is that while oil and gas companies get richer, average Americans are losing money. I can take responsibility and limit my gas usage, but it shouldn't just be up to personal responsibility. Somehow the oil and gas companies should bear some of the brunt of increasing prices, too. That's my two cents. These prices affect the quality of life of Americans.

What are gas prices in your area?

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